To enhance transparency and enforce accountability, all agencies of the government shall maintain a Transparency Seal to be posted on their websites.

The Transparency Seal shall contain the following:

  1. The agency’s mandates and functions, names of its officials with their position and designation, and contact information;
  2. The agency’s approved budgets and corresponding targets, immediately upon approval of Annual General Appropriations Act (GAA or the Act);
  3. Modifications made by the agency pursuant to the General and Special Provisions of the Act;
  4. Annual Procurement Plan/s and contracts awarded with the winning supplier, contractor, or consultant;
  5. Major activities or projects categorized in accordance with the 0+10 point socioeconomic agenda and their target beneficiaries;
  6. Status of implementation, evaluation, and/or assessment reports of said programs or projects;
  7. Budget and Financial Accountability Reports (BFARs) pursuant to COA and DBM Joint Circular No. 2014-1 dated July 2, 2014;
  8. People’s Freedom to Information (FOI) Manual signed by head of Agency,Agency Information Inventory, 2018, 2019, and 2020 FOI Summary Report and 2018, 2019, and 2020 FOI Registry; and
  9. Annual Reports on the status of income authorized by law to be retained and/or used and be deposited outside the National Treasury, which shall include the legal basis for its retention and/or use, the beginning balance, income collected and its sources, expenditures, and ending balance for the preceding fiscal year.

The heads of the agencies and their web administrators, or their equivalent, shall be responsible for ensuring compliance with the Transparency Seal (Section 94 of the General Provisions of R.A. No. 11465 or the FY 2020 GAA).

  • Statement of Appropriations, Allotments, Obligations, Disbursements and Balances (SAAOBDB) FAR No. 1
    2025 ( Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 )
    2024 ( Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 )
    2023 ( Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 )
    2022 ( Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 )
    2021 ( Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 )
  • Annual Physical Report of Operations/Physical Plan (BAR No. 1)
     2021 | 2020

Annual Report of Income and Disbursement

  • Trust Receipts  (**Not Applicable**)
  • Performance Bonds and Deposits (**Not Applicable**)
  • Transparency of Public Funds (**Not Applicable**)

Major Project, Programs and Activities, Beneficiaries and Status of Implementation

PPAs – 2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 (Adjusted WFP / Adjusted Plans Responsive to  BE-LCP / Rehabilitation and Recovery Plan for the NCR)
Status of Implementation – 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

** DepEd Las Pinas is not an income generating agency. Excess Funds from PPA are deposited directly to the Bureau of Treasury.

Report on Commission on Audit Findings and Recommendations

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020

Last update: January 16, 2025

citizen's charter

Section 2 of the Republic Act (RA) 11032 otherwise known as the Ease of Doing Business and Efficient Government Service Delivery (EODB-EGSD) Act of 2018 states that:

“It is hereby declared that the policy of the State to promote integrity, accountability, proper management of public affairs and public property as well as to establish effective practices, aimed at efficient turnaround of the delivery of government services and the prevention of graft and corruption in the government. Towards this end, the State shall maintain honesty and responsibility among its public officials and employees,  and shall take appropriate measures to promote transparency in each agency with regard to the manner of transacting with the public, which shall encompass a program for the adoption of simplified requirements and procedures that will reduce red tape and expedite business and nonbusiness related transactions in government.”

Section 6 of the Act stipulates that all government agencies shall set up their respective most current and updated service standards to be known as the Citizen’s Charter in the form of information billboards, which shall be posted at the most conspicuous place, in their respective websites and in the form of published materials such as handbook written either in English or Filipino, or in local dialect.

In strict adherence with Section 6 of RA 11032, the Department of Education established the following service standards or DepEd Citizen’s Charter: